Internet advertising developed two-way communication channel with consumers and marketers to provide effective messaging. Advertising has the power of  highly custom-made communication. Internet advertising usage for one-on-one marketing potential was expanded with increasing internet users. The number of Internet users in India is expected to nearly triple from 125 million in 2011 to 330 million by 2016, says a report by Boston Consulting Group (BCG). According to ITU, 2013 report, in 2013, 41% of the world’s households are connected to the Internet. Half of them are in the developing world, where household Internet penetration has reached 28%. In the developed world, 78% of all households are connected to the Internet. According to American Advertising Association, Online advertising also seeks to disseminate information in order to affect a buyer-seller transaction Online Advertising provides businesses  opportunity to reach heterogeneous audience  . Marketing activities supported by online advertisements Increases level for companies to communicate with consumers with no time or location barriers. A consumer can access pool of information with a click, or can sale / purchase the product during Online transaction. Recently Used goods sale has taken an online advertising state to a new avenue. An advertiser has the opportunity to correctly target an audience to deliver advertisements that are made to order to each user’s particular interests and tastes. As a communication tool the internet is emerging as a current tool for mass media advertising. With beginning of technologies advertising companies are now changing their long-established techniques to cater to consumers. The revolution of 21st century, has introduced the requirement for change in in technology, products, processes, methods, cutthroat competition. Emergence of new marketing challenges needs to be managed for survival and growth of business units.

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