College with study as well as physical activities



 As the knowledge in the every field is increasing day by day, so whatever the course you choose, for your professional carrier, the study has become very voluminous.

The student has to feel the pressure of study and side by side if somebody is doing professional course then he has to under go the stress of getting the job through placement. It has been found after the research that if students do regular physical activity in the form of sports or gym, it reduces the stress level of study and has beneficial effect on their body and mind.

We know that Professional students are to be considered as one of the highly stressed student community in the world. Due to meeting their academics demands they left with very little time to do sports activity and recreation. To fill this gap nowadays we find that most of the colleges have created Sports club and devoted a specified area of their campus for their physical and recreational activity which is considered as a good move both for students as well as for college.

Now a days we even feel very surprised to see that colleges have their own swimming pool, cricket stadium etc and other activity areas which allure students to live a healthy and comfortable hostel life out of the polluted environment of the metros.

Due to this reasons most of the students are opting for college life which is out of their home station where they get the feel of studying in huge campus with all the facilities meeting the international standard. Things are getting change, as the academic study is changing, and I personally think that in the years to come, the colleges and university will not only focus on academic study but the college with the infrastructure for physical and recreational activities will be in the preference list of the students.

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